Research platform
Effortlessly backtest strategies against historical data to validate your trading ideas.
Consolidated dataSETS
A wide variety of datasets allows traders to backtest regardless of strategy or instrument traded.
Simple deployment
Running backtest simulations without code and generating insights has never been so fast or easy.
Backtest over 65,000+ tickers including US Equities, ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Chinese A-Shares.
Backtest historical price data for nearly any forex pair, from commonly-traded pairs to exotics.
Backtest all major US traded futures including commodities, equity index, interest rates, and currency products.
Backtest portfolio returns, drawdowns and risk characteristics of different portfolio strategies. (For release in V3)
Backtest day-trading strategies with intraday data from major US equity exchanges. (For release in V3)
Backtest single or multi-leg options trades for equities listed on major US exchanges. (For release in V3)
Assess trade ideas based on evidence of an edge instead of gut feelings or rumors
Quickly gauge whether probabilities favor success before you place a trade
Pinpoint historical turning points to refine entry and exit strategies
Participate in our forums and share ideas with fellow traders.
"I like that members are willing to exchange trade ideas sourced on the platform."
"The learnings published to the knowledge repository have helped me level up my trading."
"Love knowing I can sign on and browse through an archive of pre-selected backtests."
Start backtesting with the free version and upgrade when you need a larger metric library and longer lookback periods.